* By clicking Join Now you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of POWERFIT club membership at The Lodge Fitness Centre and that you are entering into a minimum of a 3 month contract with The Lodge Fitness Centre totalling $715. Your first direct debit will commence in one week.
Your startup fee includes: MYZONE MZ1 Strap.
Your POWERFIT membership includes your Full 24/7 Club Membership. For new members you will need to complete a 24/7 club orientation and collect your access key. If you are a current member your POWERFIT membership will replace your current club membership contract.
You can collect your MYZONE device and your 24/7 key anytime during our staffed hours. Once you have collected your device, you can activate your MYZONE mobile app to book in classes.
Payments are available weekly or fortnightly. We will be in touch to confirm your payments. Please be aware there is a .44cent direct debit processing fee per transaction as per your Terms and Conditions.